Thursday, December 5, 2019

Measurement and Decision Making

Questions: 1. Which managers style do you think is most effective? Why? 2.How do you think the stylists will react to the managers of salons I and II? If they are unhappy, what actions may they take? 3.In hair suite III, if the stylists did not want to share their stations with another party, how else could they find a way to increase revenues? 4.Refer again to the action that the manager of Hair Suite I has chosen. How does this relate to the concept of stretch targets? Answer: 1. The style adopted by the manager of Hair Suite III is most effective because firstly, he called for a meeting and discussed all possible options that could be adopted as a solution to the present problem, and secondly he accepted the solutions from the stylists and finalized the one for which all the stylists agreed. In the solution agreed to, most of the stylists have given their consents and thus it is highly likely that they will give their maximum contribution to increase the productivity. Thus, at the same time there shall be higher efficacy in working since the free space and time will be utilized by the additional stylist and there shall neither be wastage of resources nor time. Further, even after appointing one more stylist, the salon would not have to spend extra on purchasing the styling equipments because the extra stylists can borrow the free equipments. With this extra appointments could be taken from the customers whereby guaranteeing them equal attention and qualit y of work as before and at the same time increasing productivity of work in the salon. 2. The manager of Hair Suite I has caused to decrease the time on each customer and also the time of break and refreshment for the stylist. This decrease in time is most likely to be refused by the stylists, since they will have to work on deadlines and this might reduce their work efficacy and quality. The manager may implement certain tools and strategies that can help the stylists in working with reduced timings. On the other hand, the manager of Suite II has given the idea of voluntary working. The stylists will agree to this voluntary working as finally it depends on them to take up an extra work hour or not. However, if the stylists are not happy with this solution, then the manager can implement certain strategies like giving perks and extra incentives to the stylists to work for an extra hour all five days or the stylists can be asked to work for five hours on a holiday. 3. If the stylists are not willing to share their stations then they can be asked to work on a holiday for five extra hours or adjust this time by increasing an additional hour every day. In hair suit III, the stylists who have agreed to share their stations should not be made to work extra but those who are not willing to share can be made to work extra so as to compensate the revenues. This extra hour work will motivate the stylists to share the stations rather than working for extra without being paid. This solution will give an option to the stylist to choose from the either of two and thereby work according to that. Further, the manager can ensure that their equipments and work stations will be kept as it is and no harm would be caused to them. In case of harm, the salon will be held liable for the losses caused to the stylist. 4. With the increase in competition, organizations have started to develop various specialized approaches that can capable of supporting their problems and at the same time generate high yield in terms of performance. One such approach is that of stretch targets, which helps in enhancing motivation, creative decision making and performance (Thompson, Hochwarter, Mathys, Hockwarter, 1997). The main aim of stretch targets is to intimidate and inspire efforts among the employees so that they work beyond their current limits in an efficient manner so that better performance can be ensured. Thus, in a bid to attain goals with raising current working limits it is pertinent to insure creativity, innovation and invention in the employees. (Sutton, 2000) In the solution given by manager of Hair Suit I, it has been decided to increase productivity by reducing the time allocated to each customer as well as the time to relax. This solution relates to the stretch targets concept as the main aim is to increase productivity by implementing creative ways and constantly motivating the employees that they can work more. Bibliography Sutton, P. (2000, October). What are stretch goals? Retrieved July 25, 2016, from green-innovations: Thompson, K. R., Hochwarter, W. A., Mathys, N. J., Hockwarter, W. A. (1997). Stretch Targets: What Makes Them Effective? The Academy of Management Executives , 11 (3), 48-60.

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